We return to the standard edition today, one of the longest ever as it has grown significantly because many topics have accumulated. But I hope you like it :)
How to fall in love with IT again? – Career Weekly vol. 23
Since you are reading this post, it means that working in IT is not a "marriage of convenience" for you. That's good! On the other hand, worse days happen to everyone, so today we'll talk about how to overcome them.
The end of the WebKit monopoly on iOS? | Frontend Weekly vol. 124
Rumors about alternative browser engines for iOS return to us every few months. However, this time things are a little different, as there are real actions from Google and Mozilla happening. Even Apple's recent moves indicate that something is going on.
What does the Post-Covid reality of software conferences look like? – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 122
Today, exceptionally, two topics, one well-known to you already (I hope ChatGPT hasn't bored you yet...). However, we will also look at the fate of software conferences after the pandemic.
Will Valhalla bring better nulls to Java? – JVM Weekly vol. 124
Three topics today, and actually each of them deserved a headline... Which, however, shows how much has been going on in the past week. So there will be the announcement of Kotlin 2.0, a set of experiments with Project Loom, and.... could it be that Kotlin Nulls are about to appear in Java?
Money doesn’t buy happiness – Career Weekly vol. 22
Meet Michael, who worked at Netflix for $450k a year and decided to quit. In addition to his story, we zoom in on Amazon's old/new recruiting strategy and recommend some great YouTube channels.
What does reverse engineering of old games enable us to do? – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 121
Today we will present the financial results of Big Tech, so it will blow a little frosty.... the main topic, however, remains a look at how enthusiasts are reverse-engineering the games of our childhood.
Netlify acquires Gatsby | Frontend Weekly vol. 123
Gatsby have been acquired by Netlify! Although you might thinkt this transaction is all about the Server Side Rendering framework but the truth lies elsewhere.
What does the “State of Developer Ecosystem 2022” tell us about Java and the JVM ? – JVM Weekly vol. 123
Today is going to be a lot about money - because there has been a change in Oracle JDK pricing, and AtomicJar has received a fat round of funding. The star of the issue, however, is a handful of statistics from the "State of Developer Ecosystem 2022" by JetBrains
GitHub instead of a resume. Does it work? – Career Weekly vol. 21
Are you updating your resume in Word again and thinking "God, for what sins"? After all, you have so many projects on GitHub! Maybe all you need to do is provide a link to get a new job? Before we check it out, let's see some opportunities in Big Tech layoffs and how AI is affecting recruiters.
TypeScript 5.0 beta | Frontend Weekly vol. 121
We had to wait almost 2 years for the next major TypeScript version. However, the patience paid off, as TC39-compliant decorators and a big package of optimizations made their way into TypeScript 5.0.
“So this is how Metaverse dies…with thunderous applause.” – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 120
Quite a few topics have emerged in the past week, and some exceptionally diverse ones. So there will be about the extinction of projects that reigned in the headlines, the definition of the Open-Source name, and new algorithms! And finally - a model for generating music.
JDK enters 2023: plans for the year, first JEPs and Preview feature retrospective – JVM Weekly vol. 122
Well, after a rather slow start, 2023 can finally be considered to have officially begun - both JEPs and Java mailing lists have awakened from their winter sleep.