We return to the standard edition today, one of the longest ever as it has grown significantly because many topics have accumulated. But I hope you like it :)
TLDW: Opinionated Wrap-up of KotlinConf 2023 Keynote – JVM Weekly vol. 131
Today, after the first day of KotlinConf, I decided to share what was presented at the Keynote.... and that was a show!
Dropwizard returns with parallel 3.0 and 4.0 releases – JVM Weekly vol. 130
I wasn't here a week ago, but that doesn't mean that somehow a lot has happened during my absence. Nevertheless, I have two JEPs for you today, as well as some exceptionally interesting new releases.
Angular Signals in 10 minutes | Frontend Weekly vol. 132
Angular team is working on a new reactive primitive called Signals. Integration with the framwork goes very deep as it brings new change detection strategy, new component lifecycle and much more.
Twitter open-sourced recommendation algorithm – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 127
In today's article, we will look at three important topics: Twitter, which strives for transparency by making its recommendation algorithm open-source and dealing with source code leaks, Alibaba, which is undergoing restructuring, and Amazon Sidewalk, which raises questions about the future of IoT.
What are the React and TC39 teams working on? | Frontend Weekly vol. 131
Wondering what's going on with React Server Components and what happened to the long-promised React Forget compiler? If so, you will find the answers to these questions in today's report. Besides, you'll find out what new features are heading to JavaScript and how Microsoft improved Teams by migrating away from Electron to WebView2
Indeed lays off 2,200 people – Career Weekly vol. 27
Indeed is the first such large HR Tech company to downsize its team and joins the other "recession symbols" in our industry. Nonetheless, we can look for consolation in the quite high (but declining) number of job offers for programmers and the freedom that comes with a home office. Well, unless you work for Apple...
What’s interesting about the Large Models: The Calendar – Software Craftsmanship Weekly vol. 126
A week ago, we didn't have our review (I was speaking at the Boiling Frogs conference and simply ran out of time), so now I'm suffering as a punishment - there's so much material that I didn't know which topics to choose. So I decided to make a... calendar.
React pretends SPAs don’t exist | Frontend Weekly vol. 130
It was a rather quiet week. It was dominated by discussions about React ignoring the existence of SPAs and Angular introducing required Inputs. Without further ado, welcome to the next edition of our review.
There is more in JDK 20 than JEPs themselves – JVM Weekly vol. 129
Today's topic could only be THE ONE - the release of JDK 20. We will go through what the new release carries but also does not bring.
TypeScript 5.0 is here! | Frontend Weekly vol. 129
It has been almost three years since the previous release of TypeScript major version. Because of that, the release of TypeScript 5.0 is big event! With this version, we finally got ECMAScript-compliant decorators and some other interesting new features.
JDK 21 Strikes Back: Stable Virtual Threads and Generational ZGC – JVM Weekly vol. 128.
A week before the release of JDK 20, we will continue to write about JDK 21, which is due to the fact that we are constantly bombarded with new JEPs. In addition to that - the state of the Jakarta EE 10 community and obligatory Release Radar.
It’s not a good time for startups – Career Weekly vol. 26
The U.S. government will rescue former customers of Silicon Valley Bank, but its collapse has shaken the global startup market and the foundations of at least 10,000 companies. Now both large corporations and small organizations have problems. The mood is poor, and development budgets are shrinking.