We return to the standard edition today, one of the longest ever as it has grown significantly because many topics have accumulated. But I hope you like it :)
Pulumi: Infrastructure-as-a-Code in Java, Kotlin and Scala – JVM Weekly vol. 151
I've been waiting for this for a long time! Because today we can start again with a set of JEPs, which we will probably see around JDK 22. In addition, Pulumi, and interesting releases. And finally - an invitation!
What does GraalVM for JDK 21 have in common with the rabbit from the Cave of Caerbannog? Both surprise with their power – JVM Weekly vol. 150
Today we continue with topics from last week - JDK 21 and GraalVM for JDK 21, but also a lot of other announcements related to Graal. Surprisingly, not only GraalVM this time.
A one-sentence summary of each new JEP from JDK 21 – JVM Weekly vol. 149
Today we have the premiere of the long-awaited JDK 21. Therefore, this edition will focus on it.
Project Babylon: Szansa na LINQ (i nie tylko) w JVM – JVM Weekly vol. 148
Czym byłby tydzień bez nowego Projektu w Javie? Dlatego dzisiaj porozmawiamy sobie o Project Babylon. choć nie tylko.
Panama, OpenCL and TornadoVM: Java’s entry into the GPU world – JVM Weekly vol. 50
Today's a bit out of the ordinary. Instead of memes, I've got a collection of video clips for you. Interestingly, I came across some truly captivating ones to share.
Diving Deep into the Latest on Project Leyden, Valhalla & Hermes – JVM Weekly vol. 146
A week ago, we mainly focused on new releases. Today's edition, however, is fully dedicated to the recent surge in low-level updates.
Fury: Compromise between speed and flexibility in the Serialization process – JVM Weekly vol. 145
Firstly, I'd like to apologize for the recent inconsistency in my posts, which was a result of my vacation aligning with a public holiday in Poland. Starting next week, I aim to resume the regular Tuesday publishing schedule.
New JEPs: Computed Constants, a new approach to Ahead-of-Time and stabilisation of the FFM API – JVM Weekly vol. 144
Hasn't it been a while since we last talked about JEPs? I've felt their absence as well, so today I have three of them to share with you. Additionally, there's the new IntelliJ Idea that comes with a built-in AI Assistant.
Rust-written JVM and Bytecode Transpiler: A Masterclass in Learning-by-Doing – JVM Weekly vol. 143
Man is only a week on vacation, and we were inundated with interesting information that begs for a summary - especially Release Radar is exceptionally stuffed today.
Frontend Monthly #2 – Panda CSS and Angular with if-else support
The heat is pouring from the sky, which means we've entered the hot season. However, the frontend world seems to ignore this fact, because in the past month we got a new CSS-in-JS library from the creators of Chakra UI, a real if-else statement for Angular and an alternative to Hotjar from Microsoft.
The Great Kotlin Week: 1.9, Notebook, MongoDB Driver and support for education – JVM Weekly vol. 142
Last week was full of news related to Kotlin. As a result, our focus this week narrows down specifically to this language in our latest edition.
Stream::gather enhances the versatility of Stream API – JVM Weekly vol. 141
Today what tigers do best - three topics, and each of them very strongly technical. So we'll talk about the Vector API, the proposed changes to the Stream API, and Hermetic Java.